

  • KOPA®-PA6

    KOPA®-PA6 is a high-performance resin made from ε-caprolactam monomer, possessing high strength, wear resistance, excellent flexibility, elasticity, and chemical resistance.

    As an engineering plastic, its main applications include various automotive (internal combustion engine, electric vehicle, hydrogen vehicle, etc.) interior and exterior parts, engine components, electronic/electrical product parts, wire jacketing, cookware, food packaging, and various household goods.


    KOLON ENP's KOPA®-PA6 ECHO-R is an eco-friendly product that reduces waste generation and carbon emissions by recycling plastic waste disposed of by end consumers or industrial by-products.

  • recycled material image

    PCR / PIR Materials

  • fishing net images

    Fishing Net

  • rope images

    Mooring Rope


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Air vent wing

Stiffness, Light Resistance

product image2

Membrane humidifier

Low-ionic elution resistance, Hydrolysis-resistance stability

product image3

FEM Carrier

Low profile, High Strength

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Inlet charger parts

Weather resistance, excellent flame retardant

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Busbar cover

Hinge characteristics, excellent flame retardant, color implementation

product image6

Inside door handle

Wear resistance, gloss resistance


  • Heat resistance

    It has a high melting point and excellent heat resistance due to amide hydrogen bonding.
    Primarily used in ICE engine components.

  • Chemical resistance

    It features excellent chemical resistance and is insoluble in general organic solvents however it dissolves by swelling in organic acids and dissolves by undergoing hydrolysis in non-organic acids.
    It exhibits excellent oil resistance required for automotive engine components and remains stable in alkaline solutions.

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Contact Person in Charge

  • Domestic

    Youngsoo Kim

    Tel. +82-53-253-3792

    Email. youngsoo_kim@kolon.com

  • Americas

    Daniel Kim

    Tel. +82-2-3677-3591

    Email. daedoo_kim@kolon.com

  • Asia

    Dennis Kim

    Tel. +82-2-3677-3481

    Email. kew81@kolon.com

  • Europe

    Jay Choi

    Tel. +82-2-3677-6248

    Email. jaewon_choi1@kolon.com