KOLON ENP creates value
for various stakeholders and operates
the business with consideration for social responsibility.

  • Anti-corruption/compliance image

Anti-Corruption and Compliance Policy

  • Employees shall be acquainted with value-driven decision-making and strictly comply with ethical norms and employee code of ethics.
  • Employees shall comply with all anti-corruption and compliance obligations that are applicable to our business activities, including domestic and international laws, regulations, and the Company’s policies.
  • Employees shall not engage in bribery or corrupt practices such as receiving gifts from any stakeholders or business partners, and shall maintain fair and equal business relationships.
  • The Company establishes and constantly monitors an effective anti-corruption and compliance management system.
  • The Chief Compliance Officer and the designated division are granted the authority and responsibility to independently manage, supervise, and enhance all company-related issues.
  • Employees shall immediately report to the company if they are coerced into or become aware of any actions against the anti-corruption and compliance policy.
  • The Company shall effectively operate a reporting channel for corruption and legal violations and take appropriate and effective measures to protect the whistleblower.
  • If employees engage in illegal or unethical behaviour or neglect their responsibilities to prevent such behaviour, the Company will not compensate or protect employees under any circumstances.
    The Company will take actions in accordance with laws and its applicable regulations.
2024 부패방지∙컴플라이언스 경영방침

Anti-Corruption and
Compliance Policy